A flicker here, a switch there and a twitch there.

These are your matching orders…

Lift up a cry let your voice be heard

Whisper a little louder, for in the darkness the sound is alive

the torch is being lighted in the darkness

but there is yet no vision. It is the light of truth.

Men well armed with excellence.

Women well girded.

What about their children, alas you may ask

I will tell you they are well girted.

do not be alarmed, their loins are well oiled

they won’t tire, they won’t keep quiet

They won’t slumber.

They will scream at the gates. They will march on.

Will the dogs bark, yes but only for a moment

Dogs eventually do get tired, their barking will turn to a mere whine



Gemstone Crystals

I am an inspiring writer and content creator. If you would like to support please comment and share and most importantly review the content. Currently in UAE